. CAESIM 2024 - FSI and Motion

A D V A N C E D   C O M P U T E R - A I D E D   E N G I N E E R I N G   S O L U T I O N S

H A V E   a   Q U E S T I O N ?

E X P L O R E     U N L I M I T E D   S I M U L A T I O N   P O S S I B I L I T I E S !

C O M P U T E R - A I D E D   E N G I N E E R I N G   S I M U L A T IO N   P L A T F O R M

F L U I D   F L O W,   H E A T   T R A N S F E R,   A N D   M U L T I - P H Y S I C S

Motion & Fluid-Structure Interaction

There are many engineering problems that involve interaction between fluid and solid bodies. Such problems typically involve flows around moving objects/boundaries. Industrial examples of these flows include flows in pipes with moving valves, flows in combustion chambers with moving pistons, the classical store separation problem, and many others. The rigid-body FSI capabilities, combined with the moving mesh functionality, allow for the simulation of movement via translation and/or rotation.

CAESIM simulates problems in which a body can move via translation, rotation, or simultaneous rotation and translation. There are many problems in CFD that involve interaction between fluid and solid bodies. Such problems typically involve flows around moving objects/boundaries. Industrial examples of these flows include flows in pipes with moving valves, flows in combustion chambers with moving pistons, the classical store separation problem, and many others.

Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) and Motion Applications

Translating/Rotating Bodies

The moving mesh capabilities in CAESIM allow for the simulation of problems in which a body can move via translation, rotation, or simultaneous rotation and translation. Customized motion can also be prescribed.

Fluid-Struture Interaction

CAESIM is used to study fluid-structure interactions during the transient opening phase of a pressure valve. The simulations provide detailed information on the transient pressure and velocity fields during the opening and fully-open phases.

Advanced Applications

CAESIM simulations provide a non-invasive tool to assess catheter placement in the central venous system.  Simulations of blood flow around the catheter can be used to predict pressure and viscous forces acting on the device.  This information is critical to evaluate catheter displacements inside the vein.

FSI and Motion Simulations

Rotating Fans

Simulation of multiple rotating fans with specified CFM


Leaf FSI

Fluid-structure interaction simulation of thin leaf object


Squeeze Flow

Swallow simulation of squeeze flow


Swirling Ball

Moving ball in space on spiral pattern


Rotation & Fluid Spill

Two-phase spill with rotating container


Growing Object

Growing envelope for specific plant geometry


Membrane FSI

Fluid-structure interaction of tubular vessel


Flapping Wing

Beetle flapping wing simulation with customized motion


Manta Ray Motion

Prescribed motion simulation for a manta ray



Moving projectile simulation using adaptive meshing


Additional Information

Wave Impact Modeling

Fluid Structure Interaction


Membrane FSI

Fluid Structure Interaction


Manta Ray Animation

Fluid Structure Interaction


Heart Valve Animation

Fluid Structure Interaction



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